Release notes

Version 1.3.beta3

This version does not include the examples. It is meant to run on both php4 and php5. Click here to try it out.

With respect to function and bugs this version is considered to be of release candidate quality. It has nevertheless been made a beta becuase is has not been subjected to the security inspection all production releases will be subject to from now on. As the security requirements have been amended as well, changes are to be expected in release candidate 1.

This version does not include pntUnit. For security reasons the framework will no longer be shipped together with development tools like pnt/unit. Please visit the Forum if you want pntUnit to be made available as a seperate download.

Remarks for use with existing applications

Becuase of php4 copying objects that are passed or assigned by value, phpPeanuts generally uses a variable references to pass and assign objects. Variable references are quite straigtforward as long as the variables that are referenced really exist and references are handled consequently as references. If references are assigned op passed by value and vice versa the risk of Reference Anomalies exists. To avoid them, applications running on 1.3.beta2 and higher should allways assign and pass primitive values, arrays and StringConverters by value unless there is a specific need to pass by reference (Check framework functions that (may) return objects to see if they return by reference or by value). Formerly the framework was passing arrays and StringConverters by reference, existing applications that did the same need to be adapted to avoid anomalies.

To help developers to avoid reference anomalies php 4.4 and 5.1 and up trigger notifications with respect to passing and assigning references. Although these notifications can not allways be avoided, it is a good idea to check your application for these notifications. For this reason PntErrorHandler no longer suppresses them. To make them show up you need to set your ErrorHandlers reportingLevel to E_ALL. See classSite.php for an example. If you need to suppress reference notifications generated by your application, see classErrorHandler for an example.

What's new

Since 1.3 beta2

Since phpPeanuts 1.3.beta1a

* measure to protect application developers. The framework itself does and did not not use unchecked request data for includeSkin.
** php-writable files (including an error log file) on a webserver are considered a security risk. Assumes you want to avoid that risk.

Since phpPeanuts 1.3.beta1

Since phpPeanuts 1.2.0


This version is meant to run on both php4 and php5, the last with zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = On as well as Off. On php5 the code will not be free of E_STRICT notifications.

If you want your application code to be portable too it has to follow certain rules:

Like phpPeanuts, code that follows these rules should be able to run with equal behavior without modification on both platforms, and on php5 with both zend.ze1 compatibility settings. However, there may still be differences in areas of php that phpPeanuts does not use. This may require some further wrapper functions to be added.

For object oriented application frameworks like phpPeanuts php5 is a much better platform than php4. However, some people are still using php4 as their deployment platform because some website hosting accounts do not yet support php5. PhpPeanuts up to the production release of version 1.3 will be compatible with php4. Next version of phpPeanuts will probably be for php5 only.

Known bugs and limitations

  1. not tested with php5.1. Because most of the the problems that where where found with php5.2 are solved it is assumed it will work with 5.1 too.
  2. With php 4.4 and 5.2.0 (documentation suggests the same will happen with 5.1) phpPeanuts still triggers some notifications "Only variable references should be returned by reference": When a function that returns a PntError it is not first put into a variable. As this kind of error handling is not perfornance-critical we do not consider these notifications enough of a problem to delay this release.
  3. With php4.4 and 5.2.0 (documentation suggests the same will happen with 5.1) phpPeanuts still triggers notifications "Only variables should be assigned by reference". Because of polymorphisms and our coding rule to pass objects by reference but pass primitive values and arrays by value it is practically impossible to get rid of all of these.
  4. Column mappings may not be consequently applied. If you need to set a columnName different to the propertyName on an PropertyDescriptor, test your applications database persistence functionality thouroughly. (we don't use this feature ourselves. If someone is using it, please report on how it works and on bugs, otherwise this may never be resolved).
  5. Reference Anomalies: Before the generic workaround was applied (introduced in 1.1 beta 1, released dd 16-11-2004), use of references by phpPeanuts occasionally made uninitialized php variables or associations arbitrarily hold values that seemed to come from another variable. This rarily happened and since the generic workaround it did not happen again until the changes where made to get rid of reference notifications. Read the "remarks for use with existing applications" to avoid them. Do not use phpPeanuts for mission critical applications.
  6. Though the framework has a class that is pointed to become the database abstraction layer, there is still quite some code that does not delegate to this layer, but will clearly have to delegate if phpPeanuts has to work on other databases.
  7. produces E_STRICT notifications on php5 (see under portability).