1.5.0 13-1-2009 because: Pnt errorhandling crashes on PHP 5.3.0 - PntErrorHandler::handleError returns allways true 24-1-2009 because: integrating Hypercode Browsers (not in public release) - hcode.ObjectBrowserPage several modifications - specialisations of hcode.ObjectBrowserPage added - hcode.MenuPart several modifications - hcode.pnt.HcodeClass::initMethodsFromSource limits lengh methodname to 100 - hcode.Menu::getInstanceWithId added - hcode.TablePart added - hcode.pnt.PntHcodeObject::getInstanceWithId added - several hcode skins adapted: skinMenuPart.php, skinSearchFormPart.php, skinMethodSearchFormPart.php, skinBody.php, skinHcodePackageBrowserPart.php, skinHcodeMethodSearchPart.php skinHcodeMethodDefsPart.php, skinHcodeMethodRefsPart.php, skinHcodeMethodBrowserPart.php 26-1-2009 pnt.test.PntAssert functions made static wen possible 15-5-2009 because of: code version control classes/pnt/generalFunctions.php require_once((isSet($cfgCommonClassDirs['pnt']) ? $cfgCommonClassDirs['pnt'] : $classesPath). '/pnt/pntBaseUrlFunctions.php'); // include php version specific functions require_once( (isSet($cfgCommonClassDirs['pnt']) ? $cfgCommonClassDirs['pnt'] : $classesPath) . (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<') ? '/pnt/pntPhp4Functions.php' : '/pnt/pntPhp5Functions.php' )); classes/pnt/pntPhp5Functions.php includeClass, tryIncludeClass $dir1 = subStr($dirPath, 0, strPos($dirPath, '/')); $basePath = (isSet($cfgCommonClassDirs[$dir1]) ? $cfgCommonClassDirs[$dir1] : $classesPath); and use of van $basePath 19-5-2009" - PntErrorHandler::logError logBacktrace added, NYI message at field removed from sbm website: + pnt.web.dialogs.PntObjectDialog::printSingleSelectScript now prints propName as 2nd param ::getReplyScriptPiece 2nd param name pPropName + pnt.web.PntRequestHandler::getRequestHandler exception added for MtoNPropertyPage ?: ~ general.js pntArraysEqual adapted for associative arrays ~ general.js pntGetFormValues produces associative array ~ general.js pntSaveEditors dummy added, to be overridden if editors have to be saved from pntDetailsFormUnloadConfirm + pnt.web.pages.PntObjectEditDetailsPage, PntEditDetailsPart::printOnUnloadScript pntDetailsFormUnloadConfirm now calls pntSaveEditors + pnt.web.dialogs.PntObjectDialog::getCellOnClickParam now converts label to html from wock: + PntEditDetailsPart::printInformationPart, getInformation added, field defs added + site/index.php self-reference made for php4 causes anomaly in php5 to be checked: + PntPagePart::getOwnFormTexts added + PntTextWidget::printBody class=pntTextWidget from rws1 31-7-2009 - PntSqlJoinFilter::addJoinTableAndConditionByTableAlias tabelnaam added after ALIAS voor single value props - PntMultiValuePropertyDescriptor::deriveUsingPathFor added includeClass($this->getType(), $this->getClassDir()); - PntObjectSaveAction::convertAndValidateFormValues no longer triggers error for missing PntFormMtoNRelValue 19-6-2009: - PntSite::printHeaders moved to PntPage - PntSite::constructor removed call to printHeaders - PntPage::handleRequest added call to printHeaders - PntRequestHandler::initForHandleRequest added - PntPage::initForHandleRequest now calls parent::initForHandleRequest - PntSite::accessDenied now checks for recursion - PntSite::getUiDir added - PntTablePart::getDir now calls getUiDir and getDetailsLinkPntHandler - PntPage::getLinkDirFromNav now calls getUiDir - PntPage, PntObjectReportPage, PntObjectSelectionReportPage::getDetailsLinkPntHandler added - PntPage, PntPropertyPage::getDetailsHref now calls getDetailsLinkPntHandler - PntObjectDetailsPage, PntObjectEditDetailsPage::getDetailsLinkFromNavText now calls getDetailsLinkPntHandler - PntDialogWidget::initialize now passe dialogType to getLinkDirFromNav - PntObjectReportPage, PntObjectSelectionReportPage::getDetailsHref no longer implemented - PntFormWidget added: var $imagesDir = '../images/'; - PntMtoNDialogWidget::printBody now uses $this->imagesDir - PntDialogWidger::printBody, ::printClearButton now uses $this->imagesDir - PntSqlJoinFilter::getJoinCondition now does mapping idColumn - PntMySqlDao::addFieldPropTo_row added: if ($row[2] == 'NO') $row[2]= false; - PntMultiValuePropertyDescritor::deriveUsingPathFor now uses getColumnName instead of hardcoded 'id' - PntMtoNPropertyPart::printSearchPageUrl now calls getDetailsLinkPntHandler - PntMtoNSerchPage>>imagesDir added, ::printItemActionCell now uses >>imagesDir - PntMtoNPropertyPart>>imagesDir added, ::getItemActionCellContent now ses >>imagesDir - PntFormMtoNRelValue::setConvertMarkup now validates values - PntObjectSaveAction ::checkProcessFormValue added, replaces ::checkProcessMtoNRelValue ::checkProcessMtoNRelValue replaced ::convertAndValidateFormValues now calls checkProcessFormValue ::processMtoNRelValue no longer sets item, converts, validates and checks ::shouldProcess no longer excludes instances of PntFormMtoNRelValue ::commitFormValues now excludes instances of PntFormMtoNRelValue ::convertAndValidateFormValues now also reports errors on instances of PntFormMtoNRelValue - PntTablePart>>imagesDir added ::printItemSelectHeader now uses >>imagesDir - PntDbClassDescriptor::addReferenceFilters no longer uses references for cloned filter - PntObjectDeleteMarkedAction ::handleRequest factored out ::getDeleteErrorMessagesFrom ::getDeleteErrorMessagesFrom added ::deleteObjects factored out ::deleteObject ::deleteObject added 16-9-2009 - PntDbClassDescriptor::_getDescribedClassInstanceForData added isSet($map['id']) 21-5-2010: Bug MToN relation dialog wiht readOnly id solved - PntFormMtoNRelValue::setConvertMarkup no longer validates readOnly - PntObject::validateGetErrorString added parameter $validateReadOnly - PntValueValidator::validate added parameter $validateReadOnly no longer validates readOnly if $validateReadOnly is false - PntObjectNavigation::setValue no longer passes by reference - PntXmlTotalText now counts unique values for non-numeric types - PntObjectSelectionReportPage::getTotalCells now initializes PntXmlTotalText also for columns with non-numeric types - pnt.test.db.SqlJoinFilterTest, SqlSortTest tablealias JOIN adapted to polymorhic 29-5-2010: - PntDatabaseConnection::makeConnection makeDefault param added - PntDao::setConnection now sets dbSource setDefaultConnection, constructor use setConnection - CaseHandlerSecurity::testPntObjectSaveActionCreate, ::testPntObjectSaveActionUpdate adapted to PntObjectSaveAction::processMtoNRelValue no longer sets item, converts, validates and checks 2-6-2010: - PntStringConverter::labelFromNumber now casts to float before number_format (PHP 5.3 requirement?) ! ::splitDT now uses preg_split (PHP 5.3 requirement) - PntValueValidator::validateEmail now uses preg (PHP 5.3 requirement) - added for PHP 5.3: pnt.test.unit.PntExceptionTest, PntDepricatedTest - modified for PHP 5.3 several testcases - PntObjectSelectionReportPage::getTotalCells now assigns $null before using it - PntObjectDetailsPage::printDetailsLink now defines and uses $imagesDir member - pnt/generalFunctions.php refNewInstance added - PntSqlFilter::getInstanceForNav now uses refNewInstance (PHP 5.3 workaroud) - PntMultiValueProperty::mutateRelationFor_ids now uses refNewInstance (PHP 5.3 workaroud) - now assigns new by value (PHP 5.3 requirement) ! PntXmlNavValue, PntFormNavValue::getInstances ! PntSqlFilter, PntSqlJoinFilter::instanceFromPersistArray ! PntDbClassDescriptor::getAllFieldsFilter, addReferenceFilters, getFieldFilters ! PntEvaluation, PntMethodInvocation, PntNavigation::getInstance ! PntPropertyDescriptor::_getValueValidator ! PntObjectIndexPage::getPagerButtonsListBuilder, ::getGlobalCombiFilter ! PntSelectionReportPage::getTotalCells ! PntFilterFormPart::printFilterSelectWidget, ::printComparatorSelectWidget, ::printCombinatorSelectWidget ! PntSortDialog::printFilterSelectWidget ! PntTablePart::addPropPath ! PntRequestHandler::getRequestHandler, ::getRequestedObject ! PntSite::setErrorHandler, ::initScout ! PntObject::addFieldProp, ::addDerivedProp, ::addMultiValueProp ! pnt/generalFunctions.php objectCopy 30-8-2010 modified scalecontent constants to get rid of scrollbars in FireFox: includes/skinDetailPart.php, skinIndexPart.php, skinPropertyPart.php 30-10-2010 - classes/classSite.php now switches off E_STRICT from pnt 2.0: + PntDerivedPropertyDescriptor::_propagateValue_for line 170 replaced $optionId by $id + PntDbClassDescriptor::_getPeanutWithId now checks isSet ~ added date_default_timezone_set to config + PntObjectSelectionReportPage::printTotalCells now checks isSet($table->extraCells[$key]) + PntObjectDialog::getPropertyFilter now plainly returns null 1.4.x: returns non-existent variable + getTableName replaced by getItemTableName in PntSqlFilter, PntSqlJoinFilter, SqlFilterTest and field renamed and property + getPhpSource removed from PntSqlFilter and subclasses + PntDescriptor no longer extends PntObject becuase of problems with overriding static methods by non-static ones + ::toString added to PntDescriptor, PntEvaluation, removed from PntNavigation: /** String representation for debugging purposes */ function toString() { //combine class name and label $label = $this->getLabel(); return get_class($this)."($label)"; } + PntAction::rerouteErrorHandling checked if not switched off + In several testcases PntTestCase now included using includeClass + In CaseDbPolymorphic, CaseSqlCombiFilter, SqlFilterTest, SqlSortTest, SqlJoinFilterTest, CaseHandlerSecurity $cfgCommonClassDirs used for include + PntErrorHandler ::initErrorLevelMap adapted for E_DEPRECATED and E_USER_DEPRECATED ::getDefaultReportingLevel now excludes E_DEPRECATED and E_USER_DEPRECATED if defined ::startHandling now sets error_reporting to reportingLevel - pnt/generalFunction.php lcFirst is now only defined if not yet defined - PntMySqlDao::connect now checks and if necessary sets time limit on windows - PntSqlFilter::getSqlTemplate now uses 'IS' and "IS NOT' for null values - PntNavigation::getPath now supports specified length - PntObjectNavigation ::getSettedProp no longer stops at multi value properties ::setValue added ::getItemToSetOn added - PntFormNavValue::setConvertMarkup, ::commit, ::usesIdProperty adapted for multi step paths ::getItemToSetOn added - PntMultiValuePropertyDescriptor::deriveUsingPathFor, mutateRelationFor_ids adapted for changes in PntObjectNavigation - PntSqlCombiFilter::getSql adapted for empty parts - PntObjectSaveAction::handleRequest now checks access after committing form values - pntUnit.web.PntUnitScriptPart now supports $cfgCommonClassDirs 23-8-2012 (phpPeanuts 1.5.0a) - classes/pnt/generalfunctions.php removed global $cfgCommonClassDirs because it is not safe with register_globals ON