replaced pntontw by pnt head merged changes from pntontw since tag pnt2_0_0_5 into head comitted ---------------------------------------- changes since pnt 2.1.0 replaced pnt with pntontw (pnt2_2_b2), from webtoko: Only use parameterize queries: - PntDao ::param added param $placeholder ::clearParams added ::replacePlaceholders added ::where_equals now generates parameterized query. added parameter $placeholder='?' - PntPdoDao::param_name removed ::param moved to PntDao - PntMysqlDao, PntSqliteDao::_query now replaces placeholders by param values - polymorhism ::addParamsTo implemented for PntSqlFilter, PntSqlJoinFilter, PntSqlSort, PntSqlCombiFilter - PntSqlJoinFilter ::addExtraConditionParamsTo added ::addSortSelectParamsTo added - PntSqlSort::addExtraSelectParamsTo added - pnt.db.query tests adapted ----------------------------------------- - PntMysqlDao now defines and calls ::logQuery ------------------- Synchronizer Token Pattern, more PntSecurityExceptions - PntHttpRequest now validates SessionId (to be overridden if non-standard session ids are used) - PntRequestHandler::getRequestedObject now throws PntSecurityException on conversion error ::getRequestHandler now throws PntSecurityException if no handler class included ::useClass now throws PntSecurityException if no class included - PntSite::getSecurityManager now passes fixedSalt param ::handleRequest now passes request and scout to ::isAuthenticated now logs out if not in development and a PntSecurityException is caught ::getInvalidActionTicketMessage now urges to check all fields ::initHttpRequest makes PntSecurityExcepion thrown by default - PntSecurityManager::__construct now expects fixedSalt param ::initAuthenticator includes from pnt/secu, now passes fixedSalt param ::newToken added, calls $this->getAuthenticator()->newToken ::isAuthenticated now passes PntHttpRequest, added param $scout ::checkAccessRef added, checks referrer token and footprint ::getMessageFootprintMismatch, getMessageDeniedAccessRef added ::isEntryPage added, returns whether the requestHandler is an entry page that does not require a valid pntRef if no footprints To be overridden for LoginPage if used, or for aditional entry pages - PntNoAuthenticator moved to pnt/secu ::__construct now expects fixedSalt param ::logOut now expects scout and eventually exception parameters ::newToken added ::getAndCreateNextActionTicket added ::isValidActionTicket added ::getActionTicketLifeTime added, returns 5 minutes, to be overridden by application developer if to change lifetime - PntSessionBasedScout::getReferrerId no longer expects numeric incremental keys in $uris ::moved now gets new footprintId from SecurityManager::newToken ::getFootprintHref factored out ::getFootprint - PntPage::getFootprintId no longer casts to int ::printFootprintJsLiteral added ::getDetailsHref now checks getFootprintId not to be empty ::addContextButtonTo now urlEncodes getFootprintId ::getAndCreateNextActionTicket now delegates to Authenticator ::getAndCreateNextActionTicket ::doScouting now throws PntSecurityExcepion on illegal scouting direction - PntPagePart::getFootprintId now returns own footprintId if set - PntAction::checkActionTicket now delegates to Authenticator ::isValidActionTicket now checks tokens to be alphanumeric - PntErrorHandler::informUser now only sends header is headers not sent - PntFilterFormPart::getFilterCombinators now throws PntSecurityException if combinator != 'AND' or 'OR' ::initFilter now throws PntSecurityException if comparator not valid for filter valueType - PntxAdvancedFilterFormPart::getInitializedAdvancedFilter now throws PntSecurityError if PntReflectionError ::printAdvancedFilterDivContentPart, ::printAdvancedFilterComparePart now sets footprintId to pntRef ! skinHeader, skinHeaderClean, skinHeaderSelectionDetailsReporttPage now calls printFootprintJsLiteral ! skinDetailsFormStartPart, skinAdvancedFilterFormPart, skinFilterFormPart, skinIdexPart, skinIndexReportPart, skinMtoNFilterFormPart, skinSelectionReportPart now passes pntRef trough htOut ! skinAdvancedFilterFormPart scripts now include pntRef same must be done with other AJAX requests (examples, MclIwCommentsPart) ! Site::getInvalidActionTicketMessage (language override) adapted ! SecurityManager::checkRefEqual now allows for forwardRequest by project IndexPage you may want to allow some more entry requests - PntxSessionAuthentnicator::registerSession now uses newToken for $data['ck'] ::setAuthCookie now uses newToken for $value ::newLoginTicket now uses newToken for $data['llt'] ::logOut now expects scout and eventually exception parameters, calls parent method comitted, to be tagged pnt2_2_b1, mcl3_7, webtoko1_7 ----------------------------------------------- Synchronizer Token Pattern - PntSite, PntSecurityManager, PntNoAuthenticator renamed fixedSalt to tokenSalt - PntNoAuthenticator::removeOutdatedFootprints to ::removeOutdatedActionFootprints ::newFootprintId added, stores footprint time in session for up to ::getFootprintsLimit footprintIds ::isValidFootprint added, checks footprintId to exist and be within ::getFootprintLifeTime ::getFootprintsLimit, ::getFootprintLifeTime added ::initHsalg now called from constructor instead of from ::newToken - PntSecurityManager renamed ::newToken to ::newFootprintId ::checkAccessRef now calls authenticator::isValidFootprint, does only ::checkRefEqual if scout has $footprint - PntSessionBasedScout::moved now calls ::newFootprintId Parameterized Queries - PntPdoDao::_runQuery now first closes cursor of old prepared statement now reuses prepared statement if same query comittted, tag pnt2_2_b1 moved ----------------------------- In order to support several types of SecurityException: - subclass PntValidationException added - globally: PntValidationException used instead of PntSecurityException except in try catch of PntSite::handleRequest comitted, moved tag pnt2_2_b1 mcl3_7, webtoko1_7 ------------------------- From bgz branche gow4_4_0_pnt2 en later: - PntObjectEditDetailsPage + ::getFormTexts bug fixed: errors did show up + ::extraInitFormTexts param added $hideErrors, default false + PntDbClassDescripor::getFieldFilters gebruikt nu getPersistentFieldPropertyDescriptors to include ids + PntObjectSaveAction::handleRequest now allways calls ::initialize + PntObjectReportPage::isLayoutReport return $this->inPopup + PntFilterFormPart::getFilterResult sets allItemsSize if $rowCount == 'All' + PntObject::getOptions bug fixed: getPropertyDecriptor comitted, moved tag pnt2_2_b1 --------------------------------------- From bgz branche gow5_2_5_0089 after upgrading to pnt2_2_b1 and debugging, 20-3-2013 Session variable usage specific to baseUrl x PntSessionBasedScout, PntNoAuthenticator added and using sessionVar for session vars specific to baseUrl + pnt.test.auth.CaseHandlerSecurity::testPntObjectDeleteMarkedAction now uses $scout->sessionVar + PntSite::getGlobalFilters, setGlobalFilters session gebruik specifiek voor baseUrl debugging: x PntHttpRequest::noMagicQuotesGpc, ::validateGpc now support nested arrays x PntRequestHandler::getRequestedObject bug solved: bad exception name x PntPage::getPart now supports mac 6 arguments (was 5) - PntObjectReportPage::printBody is back - PntPage::getConvert no longer calls depricated PntNavigation::_getInstance From - PntPage::getConvert no longer calls depricated PntNavigation::_getInstance ::printSetTitle corrected committed, moved tag pnt2_2_b2, mcl3_8, webtoko1_7 --------------------------------------------------------- from webtoko: Without authentication allways allow access to entry pages without pntRef - PntSecurityManager::checkAccessRef now allows error pages no longer requires footprintUris to be empty for entry pages ::isEntryPage now delegates to authenticator ::getMessageDeniedAccessRef now includes option to return to entry page - PntNoAuthenticator::isEntryPage added, allows urls with no requestData Session variable usage specific to baseUrl - PntNoAuthenticator added and using sessionVar for session vars specific to baseUrl (got lost) -------------------- - PntGen::getPntVersion 2.2.0. Adaptation to examples / debugging: - PntNoAuthenticator::logOut removed param $scout - PntxSessionAuthenticator now includes PntNoAuthenticator from pnt/secu ::isAuthenticated now parameters $request, $scout ::logOut removed param $scout - PntSite::handleRequest now again uses SecurityManager::isAuthenticated - PntHttpRequest::validateGpc line 258, 275 replaced $error by $this->error - PntPdoDao::getAssocRows now throws pntDbError if no statement - FilterFormPart::initFilter bug solved: allways gave default comparator Adaptation to Synchronizer Token Pattern: - PntMenuPart::getMenuLineParams now supports empty line ! MainMenuPart added, defines main menu ! MenuPart now extends MainMenuPart and sets member submenuData ! inlcudes/skinMenuPart removed ! general.js pntSelectionReport allways adds footprintId and urlEncodes it ! Site::getInvalidActionTicketMessage may be overriden for localization ! classes/scriptMakeSettings.php now sets $this->tokenSalt moved PntSecurityManager to pnt/secu, changes include: ! SecurityManager - TestSecurityManager hcode - skinHeader, skinHeaderImportResultPage now calls printFootprintJsLiteral - skinBody now urlEncodes footprintId - ModelHtmlImportResultPage::getButtonsList now urlEncodes footprintId comitted, tagged pnt2_2_0, pntExt2_2_0