phpPeanuts  2.2.0
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Gen Class Reference

Inherits PntGen.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PntGen
static getPntVersion ()
static tryIncludeClass ($className, $dirPath='')
static includeClass ($className, $dirPath='', $debug=false)
static is_a ($obj, $className)
static class_hasMethod ($className, $methodName)
static tryIncludeOnce ($filePath)
static isBrowserIE ()
static is_ofType ($value, $type)
static toString ($value, $max=4)
static valueToString ($value)
static exceptionToString ($e)
static assocsToStrings ($array, $max=null)
static labelFromObject ($value)
static labelFrom ($value)
static printBacktrace ($traceArray)
static getRelativePath ($path)
static pntGetFsSeparator ()
static array_searchCaseInsensitive ($needle, $haystack, $strict=false)
static is_typeEqual ($first, $second)
static getSubstr ($oString, $sString, $eString, $sPos=0)
static toCsvString ($array, $separator=';', $qualifier='"')
static fromCsvString ($str, $separator=';', $qualifier='"')
static splitFilePath ($filePath)
static sum_from ($propertyName, &$arr)
static stripQueryParam ($url, $paramName)
static asInt ($value)
static getBaseUrl ($serverVars, $funkyPattern=null)
static dt_add ($dateAndOrTime, $years=0, $months=0, $days=0, $hours=0, $minutes=0, $seconds=0)
static dt_largerOrNone ($value, $ref, $incl=false)

Detailed Description

Utility class that replaces pnt 1.x generalFunctions.php PntGen must be included from classSite.php before this file is included

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