phpPeanuts  2.2.0
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ValueValidator Class Reference

Inherits PntValueValidator.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from PntValueValidator
 initFromProp ($prop)
 getNumberMaxValue ()
 getNumberMinValue ()
 getMaxValueFromMaxLength ()
 getErrorInvalidNumber ()
 validate ($value, $validateReadOnly=true)
 validate_min_max ($value, $minValue, $maxValue)
 validateBoolean ($value)
 validateNumber ($value)
 validateDate ($value)
 validateTime ($value)
 validateTimestamp ($value)
 validateEmail ($value)
 validateString ($value)
 validateObject ($value)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PntValueValidator
static getInternalCharset ()
static getInfiniteBig ()
static getInfiniteSmall ()
static getInfiniteDate ()
static getZeroDate ()
static getInfinity ($type)
static getInternalDateFormat ()
static getInternalTimestampFormat ()
static getInternalTimeFormat ()
static getInternalDecimalSeparator ()
static getDecimalPrecision ($maxLength)
static equal ($value, $reference, $type)
static getDerivedChangeConflictMessage ()
- Data Fields inherited from PntValueValidator
 $errorReadOnly ='no changes allowed'
 $errorTooHigh ='too high, max: '
 $errorTooLow ='too low, min: '
 $errorTooShort ='too short, min: '
 $errorTooLong ='too long, max: '
 $errorInvalidEmail ='invalid email address'
 $errorInvalidType ='invalid type: '
 $errorNotOfType ='value must be a: '

Detailed Description

An object that checks values against its constraint settings and returns error messages.

See Also

This concrete subclass is here to keep de application developers code (including localization overrides) separated from the framework code.

See Also Framework code is in superclass. This class may be copied to an application folder to make application specific overrides.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: