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1.2, not quite working for me yet

2005-08-09 04:10:56
I'm trying to get 1.2 to work with no changes.  I followed the same procedure (I think) that I used for 1.1.  I added the new sql script provided.  When I click on the employee tab, I get the following in my error log.

"2005-08-08 19:11:42";"2";"E_WARNING";"PntObjectDetailsPage::includeOrPrintDetailsTable(skinEmployeeDetailsTable.php) [<a href='function.includeOrPrintDetailsTable'?phpMyAdmin=oREp-vnPv3txpxCmFfa13pEJgQe&phpMyAdmin=OqRUnoM74y8EFO0EhEBpw8UExla>function.includeOrPrintDetailsTable</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory";"C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\phppeanuts_1_2\classes\pnt\web\pages\classPntObjectDetailsPage.php";"100";"localhost";"";"";"localhost";"C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/phppeanuts_1_2/example13/index.php";"'pntType'=>'Employee', 'id'=>'4', 'pntRef'=>'0', 'pntContext'=>'Employee**', 'ZDEDebuggerPresent'=>'php,phtml,php3'";"no referer"
"2005-08-08 19:11:42";"2";"E_WARNING";"PntObjectDetailsPage::includeOrPrintDetailsTable(skinEmployeeDetailsTable.php) [<a href='function.includeOrPrintDetailsTable'?phpMyAdmin=oREp-vnPv3txpxCmFfa13pEJgQe&phpMyAdmin=OqRUnoM74y8EFO0EhEBpw8UExla>function.includeOrPrintDetailsTable</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory";"C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\phppeanuts_1_2\classes\pnt\web\pages\classPntObjectDetailsPage.php";"100";"localhost";"";"";"localhost";"C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/phppeanuts_1_2/example13/index.php";"'pntType'=>'Employee', 'id'=>'4', 'pntRef'=>'0', 'pntContext'=>'Employee**', 'ZDEDebuggerPresent'=>'php,phtml,php3'";"no referer"
"2005-08-08 19:11:42";"2";"E_WARNING";"PntObjectDetailsPage::includeOrPrintDetailsTable() [<a href='function.include'?phpMyAdmin=oREp-vnPv3txpxCmFfa13pEJgQe&phpMyAdmin=OqRUnoM74y8EFO0EhEBpw8UExla>function.include</a>]: Failed opening 'skinEmployeeDetailsTable.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/php504/includes')";"C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\phppeanuts_1_2\classes\pnt\web\pages\classPntObjectDetailsPage.php";"100";"localhost";"";"";"localhost";"C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/phppeanuts_1_2/example13/index.php";"'pntType'=>'Employee', 'id'=>'4', 'pntRef'=>'0', 'pntContext'=>'Employee**', 'ZDEDebuggerPresent'=>'php,phtml,php3'";"no referer"

Oh, by the way.  Good Morning.

2005-08-10 11:37:37
Good Morning Peter,

This beats me! The code that produces this error is:

if (file_exists($filePath))

So the error means the file does exist, but can not be opened? No wonder i can not reproduce this error! Could there be something wrong with the example13/skinEmployeeDetailsTable.php file? Can you open it in an editor?

BTW, sorry for the late reaction, there seems to be something wrong with the mailbox...


Henk Verhoeven.

2005-08-10 17:53:15
I may have sent you the wrong error.  It seems that when I go into any example (like 1. employees), it brings up the employee index list.  When I select any employee, I get an "Error On Page" in IE6 and in firefox it just doesn't work with no error.
Error: 'pntFoodprintId' is undefined.

I'll email a screen print of the error.   Nothing seems to come from the error log on this.  seems like a javascript crash.  (I no less about javascript than I do about php, hard to believe)

2005-08-11 12:07:37
Hi Peter,

It sounds like you are using the includes (skins) from version 1.1. You need to use the includes, scripts, styles and images from 1.2 alpha. To get the examples from 1.1 working in the 1.2 alpha (as far is possible, i am still testing end debugging/extending them for 1.2), you need to:
- install 1.2 alpha as it comes from from the zip file and test it,
- copy the contents of the 1.1 examples zipfile to the 1.2 alpha setup
- manually add example 13 to includes/skinMenuPart.php

It is correct that javascript errors do not get logged into the error log. I guess that would require error handling in the browser, then sending the error info to the server by some http request, then log the requests on the server's error log. I doubt if this can be done, but you never know with javascript. I use Firefox form most javascript debugging, it has a nice javascript console (int he Tools menu) and is usually i little less forgiving then IE (but shows js errors only in the console). Of course everything has to be tested on both browsers anyhow to be cross browser...

BTW, everybody i know that knows something about javascript has learnt it from doing and googling. I never came across a book like "Cross Browser Java Script, The Complete Reference Guide". Without such a book it is hard to  say "i know javascript". It would be nice to be able to say that, so if you anybody knows such a book (or course) please let me know.


Henk Verhoeven.
2005-08-11 15:50:44
Worked!  thanks.
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