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API Platform

2020-08-15 11:10:07
There is now a worthy successor for phpPeanuts: API Platform,
see https://api-platform.com/.

Like phpPeanuts API Platform has Crud out of the box, meta data,
an abstract user interface (the admin) and even supports
filtering on nested properties (but only combined with AND).

Unlike phpPeanuts it offers a seperate api on the server side
and full javascript Single Page Applications on the client side.
And it's a lot more SOLID then phpPeanuts because it was
built on top of the excellent Symfony framework.

It also addresses the problem of the steep learning curve of
abstract programming by offering client application scaffolding.
On top of that MetaClass has developed a tutorial based on the
examples of phpPeanuts, but this time it's a real step by step
tutorial. It addresses the limitations of the scaffolding with
practical solutions and simple es6 components. As a bonus it
comes with an extended client generator that incorporates the
solutions introduced in the tutorial in the scaffolded code.

See https://github.com/metaclass-nl/tutorial-api-platform
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