//------------------ Meta Behavior -------------------------

	/** Answer the property value for the object
	* If a getter method exists, call it (passing the filter) and return the method result.
	* else derive value through default metabehavior
	* @param PntSqlFilter $filter to apply, or null if unfiltered (currently only used by multi value properties)
	* @return mixed dynmically typed by the PropertyDescriptor>>type
	* @throws PntError if property missing, derivation fails, or anything an evetial getter method throws 
	function getValueFor($obj, $filter=true) {
		//use getter method if there
		$name = $this->getName();
		$mth = "get$name";
		if (method_exists($obj, $mth)) 
			return $filter === true 
				? $obj->$mth()
				: $obj->$mth($filter);  

		return $this->deriveValueFor($obj, $filter); 