/** Redirect the request to a different server, page or handler
	* This only works if NOTHING has been printed yet!!
	* @param Array or String $requestData if Array redirects to handler in same application.
	*	otherwise redirects to the url it assumes is in $requestData
	* @param String $information information to be passed as a request parameter
	*   this will replace eventual information parameter from $requestData 
	*   but not inf the information param is in the funky part of a funky url
	* @param String $dir directory to redirect to. If null $thisfunction redirectRequest(->getDir() will be used.
	function redirectRequest($requestData, $information=null, $dir=null) {
		if (is_array($requestData)) {
			if ($information !== null)
				$requestData["pntInfo"] = $information;
			if ($dir==null) $dir = $this->getDir();
			$url = $this->getBaseUrl();
			$url .= $dir. 'index.php?';
			$url .= $this->queryStringFrom($requestData);
		} else {
			if ($information === null) {
				$url = $requestData;
			} else {
				$url = Gen::stripQueryParam($requestData, 'pntInfo');
				$url .= (strPos($url, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&';
				$url .= "pntInfo=".$this->getConverter()->urlEncode($information);
		if (preg_match('/[\n\r]/', $url)) throw new PntError('Url with Cr or Lf');
		header("Location: $url"); /* Redirect browser */