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fixes in 1.2 alpha 1

x pntPhp4Functions.php pntIs_a  
 solved bug warnings when allow_call_time_pass_reference=Off (fix was already in 1.1 portable)
x PntDbObject::initFromData polymorphism support now should work properly
   with get_magic_quotes_runtime
x PntQueryHandler::in debugged
x PntQueryHandler::setQueryToSaveObject_table_fieldMap no longer triggers notifications for missing fields
x PntObjectDialog::printItemCells now escapes javascript string because of mozilla
x PntObjectEditDetailsPage::getTextAreaTreshold was wrongly set to 210. Set to 120 (was originally 80)
x PntDbObject::loadData triggered E_NOTICE. Also moved to legacy support section
x test.db.CaseDbObject::test_insertChild now uninitializes children field on obj1
x test.db.CaseDbPolymorphic::test_insertChild now uninitializes children field on obj1
x test.db.SqlJoinFilterTest::testCreateTableAndDbSub now releases obj1 from subclassdescriptor's cache
x PntDialogWidget::initialize now converts label to html
x PntObjectDetailsPage::getDetailsLinkFromNavText returns only content if no id, no object or an error