Quick search:

fixes in 1.2 alpha 2

x Layout menuPart width too small for examples menu
 set it in skinBody to 135, -145 in skinDetailsPart, skinPropertyPart and skinIndexPart
x PntDbObject::save corrected save error message
x PntPropertyPage::getButtonsList now adds Delete button if property holdsDependents
x PntDialogWidget::initialize added:
 $fpId = $this->getFootprintId();
 $this->setDialogUrlNoId (..) &pntRef=$fpId
x PntObjectDetailsPage::getButtonsList added $pntRefParam to script of Details and Report button
x PntUnit added suppport for showing and hiding E_STRICT notifications
x PntDbObject::initMissingFields added
x PntDbClassDescriptor::_getDescribedClassInstanceForData now initializes missing fields if no delegator
x PntDbClassDescriptor::_loadMissingFields now initializes missing fields that did not load